Friday, July 8, 2016

Levis Strauss

Levis Strauss it  is an important anthropology and ethnologist. He was born in Belgica, Bruselas in 1908. He introduced structural anthropology, this is a method based in linguistic. this is reflect in his work called structural anthropology written in 1958 .
One of his great work is "elementary structure of kinship", written in 1949. in this work levis talk about prohibition of incest, nature and culture, reciprocity, filiation, marriage, exogamy and exchange. He used the ethnography to talk about this topic in different communities. with this work, Levis marks a milestone in anthropology. Levis Strauss show the importance of family relationship for the origin of kinship structures.
in the work called "savage mid", Levis shows that classifications realized for savages it is a form to learn about nature, demonstrating that savage mind is logic like ours.
His various work they do an influential anthropologist of the twentieth  century.