Friday, April 29, 2016

In my vacations , I usually go to the  south of Chile.  I have known, many parts of the south of Chile, The south of Chile is wonderful, each place has a charm. but there is place that i love, is a city called Puerto Varas. I went for the first time with  my family, when i had about twelve years. I was  remember that we rent a typical house of south, with many wood, and wood stove at a kitchen. In Puerto Varas we visited many places, but the better places is a coffe shops, where it were Germany  kutchen, there are delicious. in Puerto Varas there is many people of Germany, it is  a making combine bewteen the cook of Chile and cook of Germany. We visited, the creamery , cured meat of factories, and brewery, but that time i didn't prove, i was only a child. In this city all the place between bigger fields with many vegetation. the landscape is wonderful, and the life is very calm compared with the capital. 
the last of time i visited Puerto varas it was in the summer of 2013, but this time i went with my friends, i was stay in the house of my fiend's aunt. I visted other place, i remember the visit of museum of Pablo Fierro, this museum is very extravagant, you find things of the all kind, distributed rarely. Also I visited the pub's, where we prove delicious "chorillanas" with a tasty beer. the friend's aunt,  was of German origin  , she cooked every day German delicacies. 
My parents are wants go to live in Puerto varas, I will like finish of my career and go to live in the south of Chile, in Puerto Varas!

Friday, April 22, 2016

My favourite device is my mobile phone.It is an  iPhone, the brand is apple. this mobile phone, I have got for my brother, he saw it in a publication, where the mobile phone was for sale. with my father, we went a search to the house of the younger woman and i buy a price very cheap.
I love the  mobile phone, because  the different  functions that offer,  with  this device yo can  make many things.with the  mobile phone you can be connected in any moment, any place. it is very useful because have many functions and it all within one little device.
 in this device you have a lot of things, from downloading  many  applications (facebook, instagram, services of the transport, food, books )  ,watching  videos,  receiving  emails or even making calls and send messages, which can be free like as whatsapp .I loved you can  listen the music from  mobile phone, i allow listen the favourite music in any place.
with the mobile phone you can't print records or write article for to work, because is very complicated.
I never lost a mobile phone, only i have left in the house of friends, for about two days. in these moments I have felt very sad but i checked that i can be survive without this device!
like common human beings , we always want more, a version more high teck  will be wonderful because the new version increases the speed and allow more capacity. I could more things!...

In 2015 I started my first year as an undergraduate student in University of Chile.
The chose these career, it was very fast. During the school I conviced that want medicine, I loved the biology, chemistry, and everything related with human body. I was want the specialty in ginecologia-obstetrician. I gave the test psu, in 2013, but with  my score  wasn´t can for enter to medicine.Thus, I started a preuniversitario in 2014, I took subjects for the science mencion.But then,  I was a month of the classes, I felt that this subjects wasn’t excited such as before. In this moments I started a research of the careers, and within two days, , I knew that anthropology it was my career.
I was change the subjects in preuniversitario for to prepare social mencion, the results were very good and I can enter in anthropology. 
In my second year in this career, my favourite  subjects is antrhopolgy, I think take a social mencion, but the things can change from one moment to another. In this moment I only
know that the follow research in this field of study.

Friday, April 8, 2016

I´m Constanza Morales briones. I was born in 1995, in Santiago the Chile. I´m 20 years old. I lived in Macul with my parents and two brothers.
I'm students anthropology at u the chile. I'm in second year of this career. I´m work the weekend in a supermarket.
I Like the animals, in my house we have a cat called Nicolas and two hamster, inti and  Guss.
i like practicing danza Afro. I take class  in center cultural. I like getting together with my friends, share a good foods or a good conversation. I like practicing sport, like practicing bicycle or running with my friends. I love seeing a films and meet new places and new experiences. I like different types  the  foods like  Arab , in specially the falafel. also i like the pastas, and traditionally foods  Chile like past sopaipillas.