Friday, April 29, 2016

In my vacations , I usually go to the  south of Chile.  I have known, many parts of the south of Chile, The south of Chile is wonderful, each place has a charm. but there is place that i love, is a city called Puerto Varas. I went for the first time with  my family, when i had about twelve years. I was  remember that we rent a typical house of south, with many wood, and wood stove at a kitchen. In Puerto Varas we visited many places, but the better places is a coffe shops, where it were Germany  kutchen, there are delicious. in Puerto Varas there is many people of Germany, it is  a making combine bewteen the cook of Chile and cook of Germany. We visited, the creamery , cured meat of factories, and brewery, but that time i didn't prove, i was only a child. In this city all the place between bigger fields with many vegetation. the landscape is wonderful, and the life is very calm compared with the capital. 
the last of time i visited Puerto varas it was in the summer of 2013, but this time i went with my friends, i was stay in the house of my fiend's aunt. I visted other place, i remember the visit of museum of Pablo Fierro, this museum is very extravagant, you find things of the all kind, distributed rarely. Also I visited the pub's, where we prove delicious "chorillanas" with a tasty beer. the friend's aunt,  was of German origin  , she cooked every day German delicacies. 
My parents are wants go to live in Puerto varas, I will like finish of my career and go to live in the south of Chile, in Puerto Varas!


  1. I traveled to Puerto Varas with my girlfriend on last summer. It was beautifull, but so expensive!

  2. I have never traveled to south of chile. It looks very beatiful. The next summer I will travel to Puerto Varas
